Guidance and Counselling

Welcome to the Department of Guidance and Counselling. The Department offers a wide variety of skills acquisition in the field of counseling psychology both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
The programmes offered in the Department particularly at the postgraduate level have the primary objective of producing psychologists and behaviour change agents who are competent in meeting the challenges of the 21st The production of scientists – century and beyond. professionals has as its goal the alleviation of human problems often manifested as behaviour disorders, crime, delinquency, educational deficiencies, cognitive deficits, developmental issues, academic underachievement and various forms of maladjustive behaviour problems. The clinical – practicum services of the Department include the assessment and management of educational, social and behavioural problems in individuals, groups and communities.
It is the ultimate goal of the Department of Guidance and Couselling, University of Ibadan to help professionals acquire essential characteristics of a practitioner in counseling. Specialized areas include Career counseling, Educational and School Counselling, Marriage and Family Life Counseling, Remedial and Reformatory Counselling, Assessment and Testing, Youth and Adolescent Counselling, HIV/AIDS Prevention Counselling, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology as well as Personnel Psychology.
With highly trained and qualified teaching staff, the Department continues to maintain a cordial and efficient staff – student relationship to ensure the attainment of set goals and objectives. The academic virility of the Department is evident in its proposals of new academic programmes ranging from the sub-degree to the postgraduate levels.